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Why Do People Cheat in relationships?

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Real Encounter Interview From A Habitual Cheater

Terrance Private Investigative team had the opportunity to sit and speak with an actual perpetrator to which whom Terrance and his team help revel his motives and actions for the help of his wife at the time.

Tell Us A Bit About Yourself And How You've Come To the living Your life AFTER being caught by your wife who hired us?

For years, I lived a double life.  A life of carefully placed lies, of stolen moments and  encounters.  I was a master manipulator and a habitual liar. The excitement of the chase, and the addiction to power made it become more of a sport than anything.  It was an addiction, plain and simple.  It was the attention and the rush of adrenaline that kept me occupied. 

So How did you sleep at night? How did you live with yourself?

I justified it by telling myself that it was never my fault. That the problem was always on their shoulders (Not mine) and that they weren't meeting my needs. That they were emotionally unavailable.  I built elaborate narratives to shield myself from the ugliness of my truth: I was a cheat.  A habitual cheat, and it wasn't because of them.  It was because of me.

How was the After Math? Holding yourself accountable and learning to grow from the damage that you've caused, how did that all come to terms?

The damage I've caused is immeasurable. The trust I've shattered, the hearts I've broken, haunt me everyday. Even now, as I sit here, attempting to explain to you and piece myself back together, bears down on me. I relive the hurt I’ve inflicted, the pain in their eyes, the shattering of trust that still echoes in my ears. Each memory is a searing brand, a reminder of the devastation I've wrought.

Where you hurt before in a past relationship or in your childhood to direct you in the

It’s not about some deep-seated trauma, some unresolved childhood issue, though those may have played a role. It’s simpler, and more terrifying: I have a profound inability to connect authentically. To commit. To be truly present in a relationship. The chase, the thrill of the unknown, always eclipsed the intimacy, the vulnerability required for genuine connection. I craved the attention, the validation, the fleeting power that came with seduction, but I feared the intimacy that true love demanded.

How about Rehabilitation?

Rehabilitation isn't a quick fix; it’s a slow, painstaking process of self-discovery. It’s confronting my demons, acknowledging the ugliness, and taking responsibility for my actions. It's learning to identify and manage the triggers that propelled me down this destructive path. It's peeling back the layers of self-deception, confronting the void within, and beginning the arduous work of filling it with something real: self-love, self-acceptance, and the willingness to forge genuine connections.

What is it about now that you are on this new journey? Any new priorities?

It’s about learning to prioritize honesty, not just with others but with myself. To face the discomfort of vulnerability, to build genuine intimacy, not through conquest but through shared experiences and mutual respect. It’s a journey, not a destination, and there will be setbacks. But the flicker of hope, that spark, tells me that this time, it might be different. This time, I might just have a chance at redemption. Maybe.

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